Shirley Mathu Bala

About Shirley Mathu Bala

Shirley, also known as Mathu Bala, is an independent and certified ThetaHealing® Master and Certificate of Science, Master of Healer and instructor, NLP Practitioner, entrepreneur and Certified Trainer by PSMB in Malaysia. 

At the age of 21, Shirley started her journey towards self-development and discovery. Her passion, enthusiasm, determination and perseverance led her to form her company, HEADWAY, with her then partner, and 1 With Love. Together, HEADWAY has organized countless number of trainings in the span of 21 years and has successfully trained over 1 million corporate participants in Malaysia.

Intrigued with truth, wondering ‘what else is out there’ and questioning herself for the reasons of different experiences she has gone through, led her to discover ThetaHealing® by Vianna Stibal. Since then, life has never been the same. Life for her now is an empowering and transformative journey full of manifestations, possibilities and wonder. She pursued her highest certification in this modality and is inspired to share her knowledge with those keen in learning. She is the first Certificate of Science Instructor here in Malaysia.

Shirley lives her life in joy doing what she is passionate about – learning, teaching, witnessing healing, coaching, travelling, befriending, and understanding people around the world, and empowering others. Her natural intuitive abilities and compassion in helping others has made a positive difference in their lives. She firmly believes that Creator is the healer and she is a witness and likewise, everyone has the ability to witness!

She herself has overcame her unexplainable shyness and self-doubt, phobias of crowded spaces, speaking in front of groups of people, and depression. Through ThetaHealing®, she has changed many limiting beliefs that has kept her anchored in many unfavourable situations and have manifested success and abundance in her life. She has now embraced being a gifted intuitive and healer and travels all over the world to witness profound healings in herself and others.

Shirley currently provides readings, one-on-one coaching and trains people in self- development through the ThetaHealing® technique under her training company, HEADWAY. Mathu is currently certified to teach the following ThetaHealing® classes; Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Dig Deeper, Manifesting and Abundance, RHYTHM, Rainbow Children and Intuitive Anatomy. She is humbled and grateful to be awarded the ThetaHealing® Certificate in Science by THINK Institute USA, the highest qualification in this modality. Mathu also runs her healing business- 1 With Love and provides intuitive readings, one-on-one coaching through this company.

Mathu, inspired by truth, passion, love and joy, aspires to continue providing trainings that make a difference in people’s lives!

Programs with Shirley

Theta Healing Basic DNA Certification Program with Shirley

Theta Healing Session with Shirley